On Solarized

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Solarized is a popular color scheme made by Ethan Schoonover which is very popular among programmers. This article discusses Solarized in more depth, or rather, criticizes it for some of its failings. You have been warned.

Solarized's color palette

Solarized is first and foremost a color palette, and not a color theme. For now, I'll ignore how well Solarized works for, e.g., Vim, and talk strictly about the set of colors that comprise it.

Solarized consists of sixteen colors (to match the sixteen colors of terminals): 8 accent colors, 4 content tones, and two sets of 2 background tones. What this means is that if you are using Solarized's color palette, you have the following options for making a color theme: a standard background color, a "highlight" background color, three levels of emphasis for the standard foreground color (not four, see Solarized's page for details), and eight additional foreground colors. To be honest, this is quite sufficient for most user interface purposes; using more colors (simultaneously, anyway) would make a user interface into rainbow soup.

Solarized's design

Here is where I have some of the biggest gripes with Solarized. Solarized's colors were picked from the CIELAB color space to maximize contrast and reduce eye strain and so on and so forth. This is a very programmer-like approach to the problem of designing a color palette and the concept alone is likely to appeal to programmers.

However, as a programmer, I object to the assumption that this is the ideal way to choose a color palette:

User interface design

I do not have a lot of experience with user interface design, but for various reasons I'd like to think I have some authority to speak on the subject. I am aware that designing user interfaces is a difficult problem. One approach to the problem of coloring in particular is to select a color palette beforehand and apply it consistently across the entire object to be designed (be it a physical product, a web site, or a program's user interface).

This is a great approach generally, but it sucks for programmers. This is best demonstrated through an example:

Bob is a programmer working with his (fictional) Vimacs editor. He has many plugins installed, and he's using Solarized as his color theme. One of the plugins provides syntax highlighting, which makes use of the eight colors and three foreground tones to add visual structure to edited code and increase Bob's productivity.

However, another plugin which provides static code checking also makes use of the same set of colors to highlight errors in the code. Bob regularly gets confused from the poor interaction between the two plugins, lowering his productivity. He wants to fix this problem. However, due to Solarized's limited color palette, and furthermore because this color palette is already being fully used for highlighting, and these colors were originally chosen to maximize contrast, any additional color that Bob tries to use will have poor contrast with the existing palette.

Ultimately, it would be better to choose colors in a somewhat ad-hoc manner, because whether or not a color provides good contrast depends on which colors it is used with. It's okay to use two similar colors if those colors will never have to be distinguished from each other in the same context, and using two different colors will give you more leeway in using colors in the big picture. A programmer's text editor or IDE has a lot of parts integrating in various ways, so having this leeway in color selection is valuable.

This is in fact an interesting variant on the graph coloring problem, except in this case we aren't worried about minimizing the number of colors, but rather maximizing the contrast between adjacent nodes while minimizing "glaring contrast" and "eye strain". It should be immediately apparent that the optimal solution to this problem cannot be reached by limiting yourself to a small palette of colors.

Solarized in the terminal

Furthermore, Solarized is an especially poor choice for terminals.

Let's go over terminal colors quickly:

Here's where Solarized fall apart. The official theme assigns the 8 accent colors to the 8 regular terminal colors and the 8 grey-blue tones to the 8 bright colors. When a program decides to output "good" messages in bright Green and "bad" messages in bright Red, you're going to get, surprise!, a shade of grey-blue and a shade of grey-blue.

Every program will need custom support for your Solarized terminal theme, because the standard colors that they expect aren't standard anymore.

But wait, there's even a kicker. Remember the default foreground and background colors? Most programs expect that these are distinguishable from all of the 16 extra colors, except perhaps White and Black.

However, Solarized only provides 16 colors, so you're going to have to reuse two of them. Specifically, you're going to use one of Solarized's content tones and one of Solarized's background tones, which have been assigned to the terminal's 8 bright colors already. So what happens if a program outputs bright Green text and that "bright Green" is the same color as your background color? Yes, the text is invisible. Lovely.

Pick your own

So what's the conclusion?

For the terminal, you're better off not touching any of the default colors, or at least using colors that are similar to their defaults. In particular, Green, Red, and Yellow should probably look like green, red, and yellow.

For any programs you have to run in the terminal, you can use a color theme that works with 256 colors and of course, use a terminal that supports 256 colors.

If a terminal curses program has a GUI, you should just use the GUI. Terminals suck, and (n)curses is a ugly mess of its own. By using the GUI, you get reliable key bindings and a much larger color space to work with, as well as windows management from your OS.

If the program doesn't have a GUI or it sucks, the Right Thing is to write an Emacs package for it, and automatically gain both Emacs's GUI support and Emacs's terminal support.

As far as choosing a color theme goes, the best solution is to just try many different themes, pick a handful you like the most, and be prepared to tweak them as needed. Everyone's eyes are different, everyone's preferences are different, every programmer's needs are different (in terms of languages and syntax highlighting and plugins). There's no such thing as a free lunch, and if you start prepared it'll be less work in the long run. Programmers love to optimize, but as far as color themes go, there isn't really anything to optimize beyond the point where everything is clearly visible and doesn't hurt your eyes.

There's nothing inherently wrong with Solarized either, so if it works for you, then great! But for the reasons I have covered, don't be surprised if you encounter some sharp corners. And there's nothing wrong with switching between color themes as necessary.