Here's some news on recent site updates.
- I added HTTPS support.
HTTPS uses a self-signed certificate. Never fear, though, the certificate
can be found on the about page, signed
with my key, providing both secure encryption and trust.
- HTTPS uses TLS 1.2 as of this post, sidestepping the vulnerabilities in SSLv2 and v3.
- HTTP redirects to HTTPS, so you won't accidentally browse without encryption or trust.
Caching headers have been added, which means your browser will cache pages
from this site and reduce your bandwidth usage. Probably.
- Pages are all HTML5 compliant. Yay!
Due to the unsigned certificate, your browser will most likely panic about
unsecured connections. If this bugs you, you should download the certificate,
signature, and my public key from the above link, verify the signature, and
then add the certificate to your browser as a trusted authority.
Also, pages have been moved around, changing their canonical URLs. I
apologize for the inconvenience, but it's for the best.