
Last modified

Animanager is a command line program for advanced anime watching management.

Animanager's source code is hosted on GitHub

Animanager can be installed via the Go tool (default installation location is ~/go/bin/):

go get -u

For help, run:

animanager help



About two years ago, Animanager was rewritten from Python to Go. The current version is 0.17.0.


0.10.2 is out, with some new small features and refactored code. Next release will focus on tests, and the next on documentation.


Animanager's project pages are now hosted on Feles Atra, my personal website. 0.10.2 is also in the works, which will focus mainly on writing comprehensive documentation and testing.


The rewrite 0.10.0 is out! Use 0.9.0 to migrate the old database to the new version.


Animanager is currently undergoing a large rewrite. The rewrite includes two major changes: moving from MyAnimeList to AniDB and rewriting Animanager's user interface.

The first change, moving to AniDB, was motivated by the following factors:

  • MyAnimeList is inaccurate and messy (no standard for how to deal with OVAs and specials, no standard for how to name series).
  • AniDB contains more detailed information.

This necessitates the following other changes:

  • Database format will be changed completely to compensate for the extra information and different information format of AniDB.

The second change, rewriting the user interface, involves moving to a shell-like command line interface, from the old process command based model. This was motivated by the following factors:

  • Python's startup time, coupled with Animanager's own startup time, is very slow.
  • By maintaining a CLI session, Animanager can keep an in-memory cache to speed up operations.
  • Animanager's new database schema (motivated by the AniDB switch) is less efficient for certain operatings, necessitating caching.
  • Animanager usage fits better with the CLI model. Comparatively, the old model was better for scripting, which is a smaller use case for Animanager. The new model will still support scripting.

Information about database migration will be included in the final 0.8 release, which will be published once 0.9.0 is finalized.